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The Basics: What is an Estate?

Many clients come to us not know what is a part of their estate.

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While it seems like a simple concept, often it is complicated.

So, what is an estate?

For purposes of estate planning, your estate is everything you owns, less all debts that you owe.

Your estate might include:

  • Your car
  • your home
  • Other real estate
  • bank accounts
  • Investments
  • Furniture
  • Personal possessions
  • and more.

When meeting with clients, we help them to determine their assets and the size of their estate. Often, the size of an estate may influence the type of estate planning that is necessary.

Clients often forget about assets or undervalue assets, and therefore undervalue the size of their estate.

Sometimes, clients with small estates will only require a will, along with ancillary documents to protect their interests in the event they become incapacitated or ill.

Other clients will require more substantial estate planning documents to adequately protect their interests and their assets from potential tax liabilities, disputes, and more.

We help our clients determine what documents they should have in place to protect their interests, their family and their assets.

If you need help determining what documents you should have in place, contact us today.

Contact us today to help you get the right documents in place or to update your current estate plan. We will plan so that you don’t have to worry about your future.

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