Since TLC’s My 600-lb Life premiered in 2012, the show has featured stars who have tragically passed away during and after their mission to lose weight. My 600-lb Life is a series set up to follow and document the lives of multiple in their quest to lose hundreds of pounds due to health reasons. These individuals weighing over 600 lbs turn to Dr. Younan Nowzardan (Dr. Now) to help them achieve their weight loss goals through a healthy nutrition plan and a strict low-calorie diet, which prepares them for bariatric surgery.
During these periods, My 600-lb Life‘s Dr. Now has helped several fan favorites achieve their goals and help them live a healthy and productive life. However, some of these individuals found it more difficult than others to lose weight. In fact, some found it so challenging they were never able to achieve their weight loss goals.
My 600-lb Life star Henry Foots was the second person to appear in the series when he approached Dr. Now to lose weight for his high school reunion. The Texas native quickly became a fan-favorite due to his story and determination to lose weight. Henry would become one of Dr. Now’s most successful patients as he dropped from about 750 pounds to almost 275 pounds.
While the My 600-lb Life star got his life back after the weight loss, Henry was back in the news in 2012 after tragically killing a woman on the street after losing control of a shuttle bus he was driving. Although he survived the accident, Henry died a year after. His family didn’t make his cause of death public.
8 Sean Milliken (My 600-Lb Life Season 4)
Sean Milliken was one of the heaviest ever cast on My 600-lb Life when he debuted on the show in 2016. At the time, he weighed over 900 pounds and had sought out Dr. Now because he knew he wouldn’t live very long in his current state; he even struggled to stand for more than 30 seconds. Sean’s weight-gaining journey started after he suffered a leg injury in high school and was confined to a bed.
At that time, the My 600-lb Life star also had a strained relationship with his father, culminating in his overindulgence in food. However, Sean’s mother shockingly passed away a year after his appearance in My 600-lb Life. Still, Sean successfully lost about 400 pounds following Dr. Now’s guidance. Sadly, Sean passed away in February 2019 at the age of 29.
7 Robert Buchel (My 600-Lb Life Season 4)
When Robert Buchel debuted on My 600-lb Life, he weighed about 842 pounds. He sought Dr. Now’s help to lose weight in preparation for his upcoming wedding. Robert showed tremendous progress during his first month in the program shedding about 124 pounds before losing another 98 pounds at a rehab center.
My 600-lb Life‘s Robert then lost another 78 pounds before surgery to remove a lymphedema mass that hindered his weight loss. Sadly, after the surgery, Robert developed an addiction to pain medication. The obsession was so intense that he reportedly tore some of his surgical stitches to get more painkillers. Sadly he suffered a heart attack and died on November 15, 2017, becoming the first person to pass away while filming his episode on My 600-lb Life.
6 James King (My 600-Lb Life Season 5)
When James King debuted on My 600-lb Life season 5, he weighed 791 pounds. James, who was also a father of six, was one of the heaviest cast members in the history of the series at that point. According to The List, his condition was so direDr. Now once had to call Adult Protective Services to investigate if James’ wife was illegally feeding her husband while he attempted to lose weight.
Still, a year later, during James’ appearance on the spin-off My 600-lb Life:Where Are They Now? James’ weight had increased to 840 pounds. Afterward, James was released from Dr. Now’s program. Surprisingly, James lost about 400 pounds over the following years until his death in 2020 due to kidney failure at 49. James was survived by his wife, six children, and 19 grandchildren (via People).
5 James “LB” Bonner (My 600-Lb Life Season 6)
Like most My 600-lb Life casts, James Bonner’s overeating problem started when he was a child after losing a beloved aunt. James was dealing with an addiction to both food and alcohol, which brought his weight to 600 pounds when he sought Dr. Now’s help. He had also lost a foot in a car accident and could not care for himself. James’ stint with Dr. Now was very successful; he lost about 316 pounds and continued living healthy after the show, which resulted in additional weight loss.
During this time, he also amass a substantial following on social media, where he detailed his weight loss journey. However, in a bizarre social media post in 2018, James noted in a Facebook post via TMZ“I just want to thank everyone who has shown me love and support throughout my journey… I’ve realized a few things over the last few days, and it’s time that I face my demons head-on.” Days later, James’ body was found in a car park in his hometown of Lexington, South Carolina, with a gunshot wound to the head. The local police would later rule out his death as suicide.
4 Lisa Fleming (My 600-Lb Life Season 6)
Lisa Fleming debuted on My 600-lb Life season 6, and her weight-gaining story was emotionally packed. According to Lisa, her unhealthy relationship with eating started as a child when she turned to food to help deal with her parent’s divorce. Her situation became worse when her mother started using eating to punish her.
Lisa’s mother once forced her to eat an entire cake as punishment for tasting it without permission. Still, it was after Lisa found maggots in the folds of her skin that she sought out Dr. Now. Despite being confined to bed, Lisa lost about 200 pounds after her time on the series. Sadly, she passed away in 2018 due to her poor health.
3 Destinee LaShaee (My 600-Lb Life Season 7)
Destinee LaShaee was the first transgender person on My 600-lb Life when she debuted during season 7. She weighed close to 700 pounds then but quickly got to work under Dr. Now’s guidance. During her time in the series, Destinee lost over 500 pounds and was a role model for people looking to lose weight. the My 600-lb Life the star was vocal about mental health struggles and openly discussed her battle with depression. Sadly, she passed on February 8, 2022, according to her brother Wayne Compton who announced the news on Facebook (via People).
2 Kelly Mason (My 600-Lb Life Season 7)
When fans first met Kelly Mason in My 600-lb Life, she weighed about 700 pounds. She also suffered from high blood pressure, arthritis, thyroid issues, diabetes and a pulmonary embolism. All those health issues challenged her survival, but Kelly bravely embraced them and worked hard. She eventually dropped about 100 pounds and another 220 while awaiting surgery. But Kelly would sadly not live up to that moment as she died of a cardiac arrest in her sleep. Kelly’s death was painful for Dr. Now and the fans who had watched her journey who were supporting her. Kelly was the second My 600-lb Life star to pass away during filming.
1 Coliesa McMillan (My 600-Lb Life Season 8)
Coliesa McMillan made her debut during My 600-lb Life season 8, weighing about 643 pounds and dealing with various health issues. She had also suffered a heart attack at 39. However, after joining Dr. Now’s program, she dropped about 150 pounds. Although the weight loss was insufficient for surgery, Dr. Now undergoing the surgery due to Coliesa’s life-threatening intestinal blockage.
However, Coliesa started experiencing complications after the procedure, and her niece reported that her gastric sleeve popped, which caused sepsis. As a result, Coliesa used a ventilator for two and a half weeks before being put in a medically induced coma and then on life support. Sadly, Coliesa died in September 2020. Although these My 600-lb Life stars have sadly passed away, they will remain a historical part of the series.
Sources: The List, People, TMZ, People